Monday 6 November 2017

Inverewe Garden Part I

As the GoT fever has finally reached me, I can proudly boast of having visited the great gardens of Wester Ross :)
Though not as dramatic as all the plots of the Seven Kingdoms, Inverewe Garden holds the stories of bold and daring botanists and seed hunters who went to look for exotic plants and their seeds all over the world, selecting the toughest which would be fit to survive in northern Scotland. 

Tuesday 13 June 2017

My miniature Rose Garden

Inspired by the rose tunnel in Schönbrunn and the wisteria tunnels in Japan (which I still hope to see some day soon), I have decided to make my own variation in the garden :)

Saturday 27 May 2017


A few days ago (May 24th) there was European Day of Parks that was first launched in 1999. The idea is to celebrate protected areas across Europe and raise awareness of their beauty and environmental value.
I also happened to have a day off, so we went to Mittenwald, a small town right a the Tirol-Bavarian border, for a hike in Geisterklamm (Spirit Gorge). Needless to say, this 3 km long trail with a 800 m long walkway that hangs 50 meters above the river is simply breath-taking, that's why it's mostly about the pictures.

Saturday 6 May 2017

when you work as a forest elf... learn some of its hidden secrets
             ...работая эльфом в лесу, узнаёшь некоторые из его секретов

Tuesday 18 April 2017

wild tulips

If you find it difficult to see what exactly is out of place in this image...

...на случай, если вам нелегко проникнуться сюрреализмом этой картинки,

Friday 31 March 2017

Mother of dragons

Full time spring. I woke up, and my little dragons were right there, waiting for me.
Another post in pictures.

Весна в разгаре!
Ещё один пост в картинках.

Saturday 11 March 2017

First big project, throwback in 2010

Before I tell you what my first big project was, I probably should say a few words about how I got into the Applied Ecology Youth Club, aka RÖNK.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Side project for winter and friends

As the snow slowly melts in the mountain valleys, teasing me with open patches of ground (which will need some maintenance and love as soon as the snow is gone for good and the temperatures stabilise above at the end of March, approximately), I've decided to cheer myself up with a side photo-project for my friends' family product.

Monday 20 February 2017

This interesting moment...

...When the first spring ambassadors are saffron crocuses (Crocus sativus), who one would probably associate with Northern Africa or Middle East, but not a shadowy garden in Innsbruck. I'm really exited to see them in bloom!

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Garden Dwellers, Winter Time

Although we are having a thaw right now, I managed to make some close-ups of my neighbours last week, as promised. Birds of all kinds came to visit me while I was preparing for the exams (hence had little time to post anything, but one can always find a moment to drag a camera out, if something more interesting than studies is happening around ;)

So here they are, my flying neighbours! 

Friday 20 January 2017

Winter playground

It has finally snowed all across Europe and now the plants in my garden are sleeping under a fluffy white blanket. The sitting-stumps and the grill-place in making look like puffy white islands in the sea of 30 cm-deep snow