Sunday 16 June 2019

Elder season

It is this magical time of the year again, when everything around blooms, and even though I don't have my own garden anymore (we moved to a new place),
I can still walk around the neighborhood, picking berries that hang over the path (on the public side of the fence, and asking the neighbors for permission, of course),
and elder flowers, that are in full bloom right now and can be found on every corner.
In fact, there are so many around, whole streets and blocks smell with elder syrup, and the blossoms fall and tangle in the hair, causing smiles and good-humored curiosity in passing by people  <3

This time, I've decided to try elder flower pancakes

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Pear and Pumpkin Casserole

Just recently (or at least it feels so) my big little sister and I discussed the wonders of autumn colours and gifts in different parts of the world. 
I told her, how the trees are bending under the weight of pears here in Innsbruck, and I have finally found time to put it down in a post :) 

Today it is snowing in the mountains, so time to tuck up and prepare something warm and full of sunshine that will remind you of those warm, not too hot, September/early October days... 

Thursday 27 September 2018

Pear and Chocolate Tiramisu

Autumn is officially here, taking over summer's rich harvest in cherries and plums, apples and pears.
There is still a week before classes start again here in Tirol, a week to shake off the calories
hidden in the beauty of this Italian-style, season-inspired dessert.
На русском ниже

I honestly can't tell you how many ladyfingers you will need for the form you have. Mine is oval in shape, 25 cm long, 15 cm wide and ~5 cm deep, so I used half of a standard Aldi/Lidl package, which covered nicely my form in two layers. And I'm not a fan of swooshy-soaked biscuits.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Inverewe Garden Part II

How do you guys treat yourselves after a long day at work or school? I have just realised that there are two main things that can get me off the couch *and I mean lying there, playing dead*
the smell of lavender *got a new essential oil, now it's filling my room from an oil lamp* and gardening.
The new season has started, and I do have a bunch of new pics from my garden, but I've also got a few unfinished stories from the last year's travel, so I'd better start with those before the year runs out again :]
*на русском чуть дальше*

Monday 6 November 2017

Inverewe Garden Part I

As the GoT fever has finally reached me, I can proudly boast of having visited the great gardens of Wester Ross :)
Though not as dramatic as all the plots of the Seven Kingdoms, Inverewe Garden holds the stories of bold and daring botanists and seed hunters who went to look for exotic plants and their seeds all over the world, selecting the toughest which would be fit to survive in northern Scotland. 

Tuesday 13 June 2017

My miniature Rose Garden

Inspired by the rose tunnel in Schönbrunn and the wisteria tunnels in Japan (which I still hope to see some day soon), I have decided to make my own variation in the garden :)

Saturday 27 May 2017


A few days ago (May 24th) there was European Day of Parks that was first launched in 1999. The idea is to celebrate protected areas across Europe and raise awareness of their beauty and environmental value.
I also happened to have a day off, so we went to Mittenwald, a small town right a the Tirol-Bavarian border, for a hike in Geisterklamm (Spirit Gorge). Needless to say, this 3 km long trail with a 800 m long walkway that hangs 50 meters above the river is simply breath-taking, that's why it's mostly about the pictures.

Saturday 6 May 2017

when you work as a forest elf... learn some of its hidden secrets
             ...работая эльфом в лесу, узнаёшь некоторые из его секретов

Tuesday 18 April 2017

wild tulips

If you find it difficult to see what exactly is out of place in this image...

...на случай, если вам нелегко проникнуться сюрреализмом этой картинки,

Friday 31 March 2017

Mother of dragons

Full time spring. I woke up, and my little dragons were right there, waiting for me.
Another post in pictures.

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