Sunday 25 December 2016

Feliz Navidad!

I believe you were naughty and have already found your presents under the Christmas tree, not waiting for the morning :) 
This year my Christmas elf went for the 'neat and simple' decoration option, adding a little bit of forest touch to every present I've packed, and getting a tiny potted tree (pinus pinea) to be planted outside - forest, park or garden. I've also hand painted a Christmas ball, adding some moss and an LED candle light inside.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


This post is not related to gardening, it's just a good-mood-let's have a bit fun post :)
Although, it does complement my smoothie-making hobby :) Cheers!

Данный пост не несёт никакой особой смысловой нагрузки - просто мем в картинках для поднятия настроения, заодно рецепт моего нового смузи :)

Monday 19 December 2016

Advent Madness

I suppose a more appropriate name for it would be 'Christmas Madness' since it all starts in early November, right after Halloween (and actually some stores are preparing displays for Valentine's day already)... However, there's a bright side to it :) It's time for some floral creativity, more specifically - Advent wreath, or Adventskranz, how they call it in German. 

Sunday 27 November 2016

My tiny rock obsession

I know it's been a while since my last post, but it's late autumn, almost winter, so time has become slower, and so have I. However, even though I have conserved my projects until spring now, I still haven't shown you all of them, and there are still a few stories to be told.
So here we go: a story about my secret rock obsession.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Garden dwellers

The insect hotel seems to be empty, perhaps because I've put it up too late in season and all the flying insects have found other places to hide for winter. However, we still have birds and a curious neighbour's cat.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Secret corners of the Garden

This one is mostly pictures. Welcome & Enjoy :) 

 Alpine cyclamen / Альпийская фиалка

Потаённые уголки Лиственичного Сада. Пост в картинках. Добро пожаловать :)

Monday 10 October 2016

Three basic steps to plan your garden

Usually, I am the one to make spontaneous decisions and jump right into the middle of activity. But when I want to do something right, I switch to analysing mode. Having spent my childhood in nature really helps me to understand the general principles of 'what grows where', but when it comes to ornamental/cultivated plants, then I honestly need some extra learning...

Which brings me to step Nr 1: Observation.

Thursday 29 September 2016

A bit of Autumn inspiration

End of September - time when most stores are getting ready for Christmas, at least here in Austria.
However, it is also the time of bulbs and tubers, and you can literally find them anywhere, from Lidl to more specialized gardening centres.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

It all began with a garden...

...Actually, there have been several gardens already, but the exact idea of creating a blog came after moving to Innsbruck and having to deal with this: