Saturday 27 May 2017


A few days ago (May 24th) there was European Day of Parks that was first launched in 1999. The idea is to celebrate protected areas across Europe and raise awareness of their beauty and environmental value.
I also happened to have a day off, so we went to Mittenwald, a small town right a the Tirol-Bavarian border, for a hike in Geisterklamm (Spirit Gorge). Needless to say, this 3 km long trail with a 800 m long walkway that hangs 50 meters above the river is simply breath-taking, that's why it's mostly about the pictures.

Saturday 6 May 2017

when you work as a forest elf... learn some of its hidden secrets
             ...работая эльфом в лесу, узнаёшь некоторые из его секретов