Sunday 25 December 2016

Feliz Navidad!

I believe you were naughty and have already found your presents under the Christmas tree, not waiting for the morning :) 
This year my Christmas elf went for the 'neat and simple' decoration option, adding a little bit of forest touch to every present I've packed, and getting a tiny potted tree (pinus pinea) to be planted outside - forest, park or garden. I've also hand painted a Christmas ball, adding some moss and an LED candle light inside.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


This post is not related to gardening, it's just a good-mood-let's have a bit fun post :)
Although, it does complement my smoothie-making hobby :) Cheers!

Данный пост не несёт никакой особой смысловой нагрузки - просто мем в картинках для поднятия настроения, заодно рецепт моего нового смузи :)

Monday 19 December 2016

Advent Madness

I suppose a more appropriate name for it would be 'Christmas Madness' since it all starts in early November, right after Halloween (and actually some stores are preparing displays for Valentine's day already)... However, there's a bright side to it :) It's time for some floral creativity, more specifically - Advent wreath, or Adventskranz, how they call it in German.